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Friday, December 20, 2013

What's A Plane Spotter ?.

::: To answer the question "What's a plane spotter ?" we must go back in time and go back to the roots of spotting aircraft over 60 years ago. For those of you who want the short version click here.
::: During WW II the Royal Air Force used a large number of volunteers to observe incoming aircraft. Due to the lack of sophisticated radar equipment at that time, the information gathered by these observers was critical in planning and executing defensive counter air operations. The volunteers of the Observer Corps where the first true aircraft spotters trained in recognizing aircraft, their colors and their distinctive markings and codes.
::: Today aircraft spotting is fortunately a peaceful hobby for many people. There are many different ways to practice this hobby. Some people are interested in civil aviation while others prefer the military branch. Some are only interested in operational aircraft, while others enjoy going to museums and watch preserved planes. Some “don’t do” transport aircraft while others “do” only fighters.
::: Among these people you will find different kind of spotters. Some people just like to watch, some are photographers, others write down the aircraft registration number or listen to air band frequencies on their radio or scanner. Of course a mix of these specialties is a familiar sight among the spotters. Let us look at these different specialties and find out what it is all about.
In my case as a hobbyist photographer .

::: Photographers are probably the biggest group if you look at the different ways to practice the hobby of aircraft spotting, although there is a strong connection with the ‘Number-Writers’, but more on that later. Photographers can practice their hobbies also in many different ways. Some try to take a picture of every aircraft they see, while others only take pictures of aircraft in a (near) perfect position, situation or weather. There are people who hate static aircraft shots. They want speed, action and agility. Their challenge is to get that split second action shot of a fast-moving jet. Others prefer a aircraft parked spacious, with sun (most important), no barriers, stepladders, people or ‘remove-before-flight’ streamers.
 Here  a set of photographs that I spotted and I am using lens 70-300mm.

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