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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Well ! It's seem that this is my last Posting for May.

So this is my last post for May 2008.I want to share with you my blog reader. With the availability of digital cameras this day,there is such a trend right now to say,"Oh.I am a photographer too,".

In all honestly I personally never took photography lessons,know nothing about the technical side of DLSR or campact digital camera,and when I went to learn photography skills(which I don't have at all),I found myself day dreaming af adventures in far and remote land.But for some of you,you'll really get how into how the DLSR or compact camera works,dept of field,the best new lens,f-stop etc etc.

I on the other hand "trained" myself to look for situation that were suitable to shoot.I looked right time of the day,locations,objects and materials that were noticable enough to take note of.


By the way my last word here and I'm telling myself here too.

Take a photography class if you are not comfortable with your skills?????

Improv them by taking a photography class at a local photo club or camera shop.


Unknown said...

It is in my wildest dreams to travel around the world snapping. Serious.
Technical and basic techniques and knowledge; aperture, DOF, pentaprisms, ROT, sonsors, speed, I learned them from Wikipedia on sites like what you have on your sidebar; on my own. Higher level like science of colours is way out of my league anyway; the relationship between the heat of colour and curvature on the graph alone kept myself reminded to back off hahaha. Trial and error is also a good teacher as well as practical. But of course it is always good to have real teacher.

Unknown said...

Hi Akmal,
How are you..yes I know you have been study hard lately for your future.I'm totally agree with you as trial & error,practical is a good teacher.Obviously there are a lot of opinion on this whole photography things.You see even to-day I'm still disappointed with the result(my shoot).Most of my photo were actually worse than the one from my point & shot.I soon realized it wasn't the camera or DLSR,but the person behind it ME!!.
Your dream & you are still young I do hope it will come true but not me..I'm oldman now..holding camera pun dah tak larat he! he!.
btw Thank for visit & have a nice day.