I haven't quite figured out how to take good blurred shots, So this is my first shot of bokeh,this is the street night bokeh
light photo that I shoot last night.
When it gets too dark outside to take pictures without a tripod, to take these kinds
of pictures. I increase my ISO a little, make sure my shutter speed is fast, set
the camera to manual focus and then adjust the focus until I get circles of light.
The bigger the circles, the blurrier your photo will be. All two of these were
taken inside my car at night, so the lights are from street lights.
Bokeh, also known as "Boke" is one of the most popular subjects in photography. The
reason why it is so popular, is because Bokeh adds depth and dimension to a
photograph, making it visually appealing and forcing us to focus our attention on a
particular area of the image. The word comes from Japanese.
Basically, bokeh is the rendering of out-of-focus areas by a camera lens. It is the
background blur that we are so used to seeing in photography, that separates a
subject in the foreground from the often busy background. This subject isolation
adds depth to an otherwise plain, two-dimensional photograph, pleasing our eyes and
our perception of the image. Bokeh has infiltrated not only photography, but also
motion picture. You might not have noticed, but next time you watch a Hollywood
movie, pay attention to how they intentionally separate the main character and blur
the background, so that we know where to look and focus our eyes on bokeh.
a supercool 1st attempt!! i like! :D [ buleh buat wallpaper la ] :D
Assalamualaikum Uncle Awang
Very interesting post. "Boke" or "Bokeh". For amateur photographer like me, photographs with sharp and clear images are very important but not to professional.
At least now I know something about photography technique
bokeh can be obtain quite easily when you have a lens with wide aperture opened eg f/1.8-2.8. at f/5.6, a pleasant bokeh effect can still be shot if you manipulate the distance between you and the subject and between subject and the background. 1:3 ratio will work :)
so good to try new things. havent try doing this yet.
I have both the nikon 135DC and 85 f/1.4 lens, which are famous for their Bokeh for portrait. Both are very old lens and have not be replaced by newer model. I wonder is the Bokeh is bit old fashion now that we do not see it so often it the fashion magazine anymore.
This is one effect that I have not tried, let's see if my camera can do this. Will try tonight.Thanks for the tips.
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