Army go to School.
My story is there is nothing worse that getting stopped by the police and army when I'm trying to take this photo.
As a photographer,(believe it or not)you do have right,and it is important that you keep your work.particularly when practicing street photographer.
Assalamualaikum uncle,
Wah, berani betul. But you'd better be careful uncle. Some properties are just off limits. I think military facilities are in the list.
But yeah, I took a picture before of a signboard saying "Dilarang Mengambil Gambar" haha.
Ooh I had an experienced a few times stop and harreased by military police and security of taking the photographs of some building which prohibited for. To me such buldings should never categorised as such, then the actual reasons were they want to extort money from me ...he he he
Salam Akmal,
Di larang mengambil gambar tak apa.
Tapi jangan pula kena tembak.Yang you satu pulak dah ada amaran ,amaran itu pula kena shoot hehehe.
So apa macam dah shooping ??.
Salam Saudara mamandau,
Cara nak dapat duit macam macam mereka boleh buat..apa lagi luar negara.kita di Malaysia pun ada kaki minta wang..e.g kesalahan jalan raya????.Macam dkat boder market beli satu helai batik pun jika mood mereka kurang sehat..habis kita pulak yg kena cukai atau barangan di rampas.So Raya kan mana????
I was stop by the Police at Sapa, Vietnam for taking photos of them at the street. This Viet Police very unfriendly. They asked me to delete it off ! They are like communist.
Wow..scary eh!!!well we have to be carefull sometime.
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