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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Is It OK To Photograph Naked Children for 'art'?

Why do we instinctively see this as 'wrong'? Is it for protection of the child from sexual predators/pedophiles, etc.? Or is it because we things that children should not be given the 'choice' until they are able to conceptually make the distinction between whether it is right or wrong. On the other hand, I've seen photographs of nude children that did not seem to be at all provocative. Recently I saw a copy of an old photo of a large group of children swimming nude in the Thames River. For me, not a problem. The same goes for a photo of a woman bathing her infant child. Not a problem.The issue isn't, for me, whether they're nude or tarted up. The issue is the intent of the photo.
Anyway I suggest viewer of my blog to read this 

The Ethics of Nudity in Poverty Photography?

 The aborigines or Orang Asli are basically jungle dwellers.The Orang Asli have been regarded as invisible by many people.What we do see in them is their ‘primitive’ form of lifestyle and the entrenched stereotype that they serve no purpose to the ­advancement of our nation except to make our tourism advertisements look exotic and attractive.It was very common scenario if we saw inside a dilapidated hut, a naked Orang Asli children.


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