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Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Creative Day.

For the last several days, I have been been wanting to have a day that I could completely dedicate to being creative. It would be a day spent writing and shooting with little else. Though I've scheduled it, something has always come up usually a health issue. It's been frustrating.
Creative style by the tourist seating near me..
I just want to get up real early one morning, even before the sun has come up, and go out shooting. In the afternoon have lunch and spend a couple of hours writing and then as the light gets good again, spend the rest of the day shooting. That would be a nice way to wind down after festival holiday.
People spending an hour reading newspaper.
I try to be more creative,after considering it I finally come up with new photoblog in Black & White images.It was a lot of fun and I was pleased with the images. Because I wasn't concerned with getting perfect exposures, composition and focus, I shot from a gut level, impulsively. I saw something that interested me and I just snapped the shutter. I didn't consider it carefully. I just saw and shot.
The B&W images that I shot for my Street Photography blog can be found here> My Streettogs.Com

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