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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Street Photography-Moment of Truth.

Is it dangerous to shot street photography?
Let's me answer the question......NO Photography is not dangerous but it is a social activity and one needs to develop the social skills that are involved in the practice.
It is useful to have a good answer ready when people ask Why you are taking photographs and carrying example of your photos is worthwhile.I also plan to carry a lots of stripes of papers with the web address of my photoblog from that project which I hand out to whenever I can .
As I live in Kuching,Sarawak. In here street photography is quite pleasant,people are no aggressive and tend to smile if they catch you stealing a shot .


Unknown said...

Dangerous? No way.
Everyone have interest in taking picture, trust me. Though, not all have the craziness to go to 'our' extent :)
As long as we play it safe, we're good right? I mean, we are not doing all this thing to blackmail people.

Unknown said...

Hehehe craziness.orang rumah sendiri pun ada kata..gila kah..beli sayur pun bawak camera hahaha.
Saya jawab"Ini saya punya style"macam perampuan pakai emas.