In the city walking is a must and should make full use of it,otherwise one day our legs will devolve.Make sure you walk a lot so that you can stay young and travel to more places with your strong legs but unlike in Melaka the trishaw rider must have strong legs to paddle his passengers and charge them Rm40.00 for an hour.

From City Lounge in Old Bus Terminal(Kota Raya II) in the city to Senai International Airport.I use the white Causeway Link Express.
Fare Rm8.00
Operation hours 0530-2300 and Frequency 45-90 mins.

From Larkin Bus Terminal to Wong Ah Fook street in the city will cost you Rm 7.00 according to meter reading in taxi.

The cheapest way to tour Historic City of Melaka is by Panorama Bus(picture above).You can hop on and off as you please for just Rm 2.00 per day.Just buy a ticket onboard any Panorama Melaka Bus.If you buy a ticket for Rm 5.00 that is for Panorama Double Decker Bus you can hop on and off for both services .This panorama Melaka bus stop for visit at 23 famous attractions which include historical,shoppings and leisure areas.

From Pudu Raya to Melaka I use The Transnasional Express Bus for Rm9.50 including insurance 0.10 cents.First bus at 06:30 am and safely arrived The Historic City of Melaka via Melaka Sentral and the jouney is about 2 hrs non-stop.

Next day I continue my journey to Johor Bahru at 08:00am by KKKL express bus and it took about 3 1/2 hrs to arrived Larkin Bus Terminal in Johor Bahru.I pay Rm14.60.
Comfortable and smooth journey via good expressway.

Maybe this is the first service for this morning because KL sentral ticket counter is open at 06:00 am.

From KL sentral to Masjid Jamek station I use the first LRT just for Rm1.70 and from Masjid Jamek Station I took another LRT to Plaza Rakyat for Rm1.20 .So Pudu Raya bus terminal is just few minutes walk from Plaza Rakyat Station.

KLIA Ekspress.The non-stop journey between KLIA-KL Sentral .Journey time is 28 minutes and cost you only Rm 35.00 only while child (2-12 years) at only Rm15.00.

Just before the final descent the pilot lowers the landing-gears and extends the flaps causes high drag and thus higher fuel consumption and noise levels.Fuel Surcharge on my payment by airasia KCH-LCCT is Rm43.00.The plane touch down safely at LCCT .
From LCCT I use the SkyBus to KL Sentral .The trip is about an hour and the fare is only Rm9.00.
That sounds like a fair travel. And how very true, traveling on foot is a must when pegi jalan-jalan. Nama pun jalan-jalan.
Anyway, gambar bila nak upload? :)
Have a nice evening :)
How are you...I'm sure your balik kampong put you on weight..mana tak makanan enak masakan ibu.Not much picture to upload in Melaka panas betul but in JHB ribut petir from 02:00pm till 08:30pm..so relax just relax in hotel shooting from my room only...btw jalan-jalan jumpa medical oilment beli satu botol ..there you are sapu dekat kaki yang cramps..backpacker konon...tapi kaki kena cramps.
doing fine uncle, plus some kg i think. 2,3 hari ni takde keje lain; makan tido ajer hahaha.
biasa la tu uncle, cramp masa jalan jauh. Tp kalau saya cramp saya tak biasa sgt pakai minyak, tapi saya tumbuk tapak kaki kuat-kuat. berkesan. sapa ajar? PBSM ajar :P
btw, sy dah jawab dah question uncle. just in case you want to try my copy of torrent, pirated photoshop, just let me know, I can post it :)
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