Senior & Ageing
Senior Can Positively Impact Their Ageing Process.
The good news for seniors(like me),as well as those who will one day become seniors,is that a good deal of the negative assocations with ageing are,in fact,wrong or exaggerated.The real story is that only 30 percent of how we age can be attributed to genes;the remaining 70 percent is determined by our life style choices.Yes,we can choose to be healthier seniors and it's never too late.Here are some frequently held misconceptions on ageing and experts provide the facts as we now know them...........the rest of the story.
Misconception #1:
Ageing Means Alzheimers's.
FACT: Of people over 65,only 10 percent have Alzheimers's disease.Most forms of decreased mental function and dementia are caused by disuse,i.e letting the mind get lazy.Seniors can help prevent the loss of mental function and some forms of dementia by stimulating the brain with simple exercises that challenge the memory,such as doing crossword puzzles,playing word games,cobversing with friends and family,learning new skill or travelling.
Ageing Means Physical Inactivity.
FACT: Seniors are not only capable of exercise,but require it to maintain independence,good mental function,and to reduce risk of disease.Aerobic(walking,swiming,gardening,etc.) is fundamental,yet strength training produces dramatic results,allowing seniors who previously required assistance with daily living to become independents again.Streching and balance exercises,like roga or Tai-Chi,Poco Poco,Tarian seni,can help arthritis and prevent falls.With non-rigorous but consistent exercises,seniors can achieve high levels of functioning.
Means Fewer Or No Contributions to Society.
FACT: Current retirees are more interested in an active life,including continuing to work,than their parents' generation.
Ageing Means the End of Learning.
FACT:Learning is ,in fact,a life-long process.Seniors with no training have embraced computer technology and are the most rapidly growing computer-literate demographic group.Likewise,seniors have mastered other technologies that were unknown in their youth.More and more,colleges and universities are realising the huge demand for continuing education in this population.
Ageing Means Loneliness and Depression.
FACT: Unfortunately,this was indeed the fate of many previous generations of older people,mostly because society had no role for them.Today's seniors are increasingly finding alternatives to being alone,such as house-sharing or moving to senior living communities,where they can maintain social connections,continue to learn.and contribute to the larger community through employment or volunteerism.
Recent research has smashed to stereoypes of ageing.Growing older can be rewarding and fun.Seniors who take charge of their health,stay engaged in life and use,rather than lose,their physical and mental capabilities,can enjoy later years filled with vitality and joys.
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