Black Coffee or Malaysian term of "Kopi-O".
Yesterday morning (Friday) I woke up early for Suboh prayer.Rain ! rain! heavy rain outside.Raining throughout the day till to-day (Sat).Several villages especially low lying area were inundated in about three feet of water and also some area in the city due to this heavyrain resulted in flooding at several residential and business areas.
So nothing much I can do now just stay home and have a cup of "Kopi-O".By the way i read today the borneo post headline.
20SEN MORE,Please! 'If you're a "Kopi-O" or Coffee buff,be ready to pay more as prices are higher from to-day.
What is "Kopi-O" to most Malaysian?????Lesen kopi-o,duit"kopi" or orang POXXXX minta kopi-O .
KOPI-O Story:I hate those people hat receive "DUIT KOPI" especially people like pak POxxxx.Ihate pople like XB who promise you this and that during election and end up giving nothing to community,instead they live in a big enjoying their cuppa "DUIT KOPI".
Waiter!!!!a cup of Kopi-O please.......................have a nice day.