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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My World Tuesday-DURIAN.


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Durian is coming to town.It's durian season in Malaysia.


Street vendor selling durian.Every year Malaysians everywhere wait for the chance to smell.choose and buy durian from street vendor.


Durian is the king of all fruits in Malaysia.This hot spell brings bumper harvest of durians of various varieties.


If you are an addict to durian but are too afraid of the amount of carbohydrate and fat in the fruits, do check out this nutritional website and plan how much to consume in order not to burst your seams after a one night fling with this charming but notorious fella. It’s good to know that durian has zero cholesterol content but loaded with vitamin C and some amount of dietary fiber, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. At the very least, you could justify your craving with good nutritional value and great taste, albeit some weight gain.


Durians are highly prized fruit in Malaysia, And for a good reason! Besides being nasty looking with their sharp thorny spikes they are also well known for their pungent smell that could suffocate you in an instant if you are within sniffing distance. That’s why they are banned from hotels, flights, subways and most tourist locations.It's time to display "NO DURIANS" signage in every hotel in Malaysia.


Julie said...

Thats for explaining the fruit, very interesting and I had never heard of them before.

Carver said...

Great shots and an interesting post. I've read about durians but never tasted them.

James said...

I've seen these before but never tasted one. I don't think I ever will but they are very interesting.
Thanks for the informative and interesting post.

Jama said...

I'm not a big fan of durian, but will buy them occasionally. I prefer the bitter type.

magiceye said...

wow the durian seems to be very good for health! thank you for sharing the info. would like to taste it some day.
does it smell bad even when cut and opened to eat? or is it ok once you cut and throw away the skin?

LadyFi said...

They taste great as long as you can get past the smell.

So do you love them or hate them?

Inday said...

Yummmy Durian!!! My favourite!!! Very busy world over there Uncle Awang!

Durian is very expensive in my country. I came across one Durian tree, just ONE and only Durian tree. Goodness, it was very tall in my memory, perhaps because I was very small then.

And we had to be very very careful in passing through it or else the fruit would fall over over our little heads.:)

Unknown said...

It's durian season over here too, and selling very cheap. Unfortunately, now i am having bad cough !!!

erin said...

i too, have heard of durian(thanks to travel adventure series television)
but...what does it taste like? any compariable fruit to it?
have a wonderful day.

Rajesh said...

Very informative. Did not had much idea about this fruit.

Louise said...

My curiosity is piqued! Everyone wants them. People are waiting for the first chance to get them, yet they are banned from many public places due to their odor! I hope I get to experience one someday to understand the contradictions!

Unknown said...

Great contrast with the basic transportation of fruit and the modern advertisement!
This fruit allways amazes me when I see it in the tropics, it's fantastic!

Unknown said...

Fascinating! I am glad I learned this today.